The Alps 2 Ocean Trail: Section 3: Ohau Lodge to Twizel

It’s time for a massage, because I cycled 50 km today😂😂 but it was an amazing trip.

It’s the unknown around the corner that turns my wheels.

The Alps 2 Ocean Trail is one of the ‘Great Rides’ in New Zealand. At 300+km long, it’s an easy to intermediate walking and cycling trail. The amazing diversity and variety of this trail require moderate fitness, but you can ride it in sections.

We did the section 3: Ohau Lodge to Twizel.

Normally it’s 38 kms, but we found a shortcut at the beginning which made it to a total of 50 kms for us. We couldn’t resist that track through the forest. So, our tyres have eaten through gravel for another 12 km, until we’ve gotten back to the road and our cycle track.

It was raining, the wind came down the lake and we were heading against the heavy gusts. We battled the wind and rain showers. Thick clouds made our visibility difficult. We didn’t care. Because to me it doesn’t matter whether it’s raining or sunny or whatever: as long as I’m riding a bike I’m happy.

We rode on an off-road trail upwards and enjoyed cycling around the lake shore until we stopped at Maori Swamp (a small bay) where we had lunch.

After lunch the sun came out and we had even more fun. We crossed a canal bridge with a beautiful view and followed the road.
Along the Ohau Canal are many salmon farms to provide a bit of interest along the way. But it was mostly a time to cycle easily and swiftly back to Twizel.

It was amazing, like it always is, when you ride a bike.

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Eigentlich wollte Ricarda Peter nur nach Kanada auswandern, um dort ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Aber plötzlich fand sie sich im Dschungel von Panama wieder. Auf der Flucht vor Drogendealern in den Bahamas, In der Wüste von Oman. Im Outback von Australien, im Mopedchaos in Asien, auf Safari in Afrika und bevor sie wusste, was überhaupt los ist, hatte sie die Welt bereist!
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