Be aware of Zoom Car Rental in Calgary, Canada – it’s a scam 🇨🇦

Car Rental Scam – Stay away from Zoom Car Rental 

I recently become a victim to a car rental scam in Canada. Even weeks after the international trip, companies can debit funds from your account without providing any evidence. In my case, the amount is 2000 CAD, approximately 1300 Euros – not a small amount.

As long-term world travelers spending the winter in Canada, especially in Lake Louise for skiing, we faced the decision of buying or renting a car.
In 2019, we purchased a car at an auction, but this time, planning to stay for only six months, we decided to rent a car.
The first three months with Thrift went smoothly, but in the fourth month, we switched to Zoom Car Rental and encountered a fraudulent company. Be aware. Stay away. Safe your money!

On the day of rental, the foreign staff was incredibly unfriendly, making us reconsider renting at all. However, canceling would have meant losing 100 CAD reservation fee, so we stayed with the car rental company. Unfortunately!

After a month, we returned the car properly, but the staff, even more disgruntled this time, refused us the shuttle service to the airport, leaving us stranded in -40 degrees Celsius.

Following this, 1300 Euros were debited from my account, with no invoice received, making the purpose unclear.

I immediately contacted my bank, which refused to reverse the transaction. Research revealed that car rental companies can debit funds weeks after international travel, and banks are not obliged to assist, referring to the deposit.

What can be done? As a world traveler, I have limited options, but others can activate their credit cards for international transactions before departure and deactivate them upon return to their home countries.

Claims are withheld from the blocked deposit. Reports over 60 cases  in Germany of inexplicable debits post-international trips, and banks don’t demand evidence, as customers authorize a fixed amount block on their credit card as security.

Banks often abandon customers in these disputes, and pursuing legal action against foreign companies from your home country is cumbersome.

What can you do? Insist on a written confirmation during car return that the rental company releases the blocked deposit if there are no issues. Though not foolproof, it provides documentation in case of a dispute.

Customers should promptly raise complaints. Contact your bank and hold them accountable. The deadlines for this vary, but I am still trying to get my 1300 Euro back, as it’s too substantial to let go easily.

In order to protect against unauthorized charges from rental companies, it’s advisable to follow these steps:

  • Activate/Deactivate Card: Before leaving the country, activate your credit card for international transactions. Once back, deactivate it to prevent further charges.
  • Documentation: Keep all rental documents, including the return confirmation, which can serve as evidence in case of disputes.
  • Communication in Writing: Request written confirmation from the rental company that the blocked amount on your credit card will be released if there are no issues with the vehicle upon return.
  • Promptly Reclaim: If you notice unauthorized charges, contact your bank immediately and initiate a dispute. Different banks have varying time frames for reporting such issues.
  • Bank Responsiveness: While some banks may be uncooperative, persist in explaining the situation and providing any supporting documents.
  • Consumer Protection Organizations: Consider reaching out to consumer protection organizations or legal advisors for guidance on dealing with such situations.

Remember, acting promptly and documenting your interactions with the rental company can strengthen your case in the event of a dispute.

Search the internet these guys doing these scams and rude behavior all the time!!!! You will find a lot more reviews like mine! Don’t rent here!!!

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